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Inter-Class Drama Competition 2023-2024



3B ( Envy )

1st Runner-up :

Best Plot :


Best Actors :

3E Qiu Yeung

Best Actress :

3A Ngai Ling Shan

Best Moral Award:





3B - Envy

I have learnt several important lessons through participating in the Inter-Class Drama Competition.To begin with, it has greatly improved my communication and management skills. Although it was tiring, giving instructions, advice and feedback to my classmates was an exhilarating experience. I had to constantly run from one end of the stage to another. Moreover, it has helped me improve my script writing technique. Despite having written numerous essays before, I found it challenging to write a profound, yet concise story. I wanted to make sure the audience could easily understand the play, so I spent many hours updating the script. Overall, it has been a wonderful experience and I will treasure the memories I made from this activity.


3C - Echoes of the Bell

The drama performance was an enchanting journey that brought our class to a wonderful destination – “1st runner-up” and “Best Moral Award”. In the play, Jessica is encouraged by her committed teammates, then she overcomes the obstacles and succeeds in playing a role in a drama successfully after she failed in doing so for the first time. What our class did when we prepared for the competition, made props and costumes, finally acted on stage demonstrated collaboration, dedication and understanding among one another. I was blissful that our efforts paid off with fruitful results!